

One of the oldest towns in Zanavykija. The rich ar­chaeological monuments of Lekėčiai village shows that people were living here three thousands years ago. The town is on both sides of the Liekė stream, so the name of the town is hydronymic. Where is Lekėčiai now, were the forests of Vilkija and Jonas Sapiega. Jonas Sapiega get it in 1502. from the Grand Duke Alexander, how to compensate for the losses during the war. The fact that in 1506 people lived in Lekėčiai proves Alexander lands giving pact to V. Ožuškinas was signed in 1506. July 15th

Lekėčiai, already in their sixth century, hiding in the pine forests, a small town of Zanavykija people, inter­mediate of Šakiai and Kaunas districts. A town in the east of Šakiai district municipality 140 Kaunas-Zapyš­kis-Šakiai, 33 km west of Kaunas, 8 km southwest of Vilkija. Turn into the small town of Zanavykai, which is hidden in the pine forests in Lekėčiai.